Gaia Prospection is specialised in magnetometry and electrical resistance, mainly using Caesium magnetometers. These following cliparts try to explain archaeological prospection in a nutshell, to give you a first impression of the application of geophysical methods. You may use them for non-commercial use, please mention the author.


Geophysical methods used in archaeology are largely adapted from those used in military uses, engineering, and geology. It is an efficient method for non-destructive archaeology and gives us a wide range of knowledge over a large area. Most applied in archaeology are magnetometers, electrical resistance meters, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic induction conductivity meters (EMI).

Total field magnetometry

Electric resistivity

For magnetometer survey we use the Scintrex SM4G in a duo-sensor, total-field configuration, which we carry 30 cm above the ground at a sampling rate of 25 x 50 cm.

Coming soon.